Best At HOME Exercises For 50 and Over, Improve Health, Strength & Balance, No Equipment Needed

Bob and Brad, the two most famous Physical therapist on the Internet. [Music]

Hi folks, I’m Bob Shrum, physical Therapist and Brad Hynek, physical therapist. We have the most famous physical Therapist on the internet. You know I’ll Pin it of course, Bob.

All right, a lot of you fine are finding yourselves at home and you’re looking for things to do. If your age 15 or over, even if you’re a little bit younger for some of you people this might be appropriate. We have the best at-home exercises for 50 and over to improve your health, strength, and balance. No equipment needed. There you go, about meet a chair, but that’s really not equipped right, or possibly two chairs. It’s gonna depend on what level you’re at and you’ll see as we go on here.

If you’re new to our channel, the whole second you subscribe to us, we provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload everyday. Also, this is a good time for you to join us on our website,, because we’re always giving something away. This week, we’re giving away a knee glide. There you go. This is a great device, especially if you’re gonna have a knee replacement or knee surgery. Brad’s gonna show but the key to the success of this is it only weighs 3.1 pounds. Like this, I can do curls with my finger here. Well, you can do yeah, finger curls with it. You’ll find it also on Facebook, Bob and Brad. It’ll be pinned at the top of the page. That contest that is go to Twitter or Instagram or TikTok if you want a 60-second version of our program. Brad, should we go to work? Yes, we will Bob.

Now, again, if you’re very able-bodied, get up, walk around without the need of a cane, you feel very steady, you just need one chair. Is that signing the way, Mike? And actually, you can get away without a chair. He would let us know, Bob. Yeah, all right. Okay, so here we go. We’re gonna start out standing up, take a deep breath, then you know, expand the lungs, shoulders back, and relax. It’s really important to start out right and relax. Think about all the good things in life, everything. Yeah, what gratitude are they, said Brad. It toward brass, oh my god.

Now we’re gonna sit for this. Now we have this arranged in this manner for a specific reason for some people for balance. When we get to the balanced part, should have a chair in front to hold on if you’re not steady in you’re by yourself. So we’re gonna start out with double. I’ll show you this when you bring your arms like this and do a chin tuck at the same time. Watch Bob, we’re really working. I’m bringing the head back like this. Are you going down like this or up like this? I’m going straight back. This is a real posture exercise. You should feel the muscles right here working when you do this and a stretch in the front. If you’re feeling those two things, you’re right on the money with this exercise. Make sure you’re breathing while you’re doing thisnice and relaxed breathing.

We’re gonna do now the repetition can vary. We’re gonna shoot for 10, sometimes 20 on some of these. Go according to your own judgement and how your body’s abilities, yeah, exactly.

Now this next one, I’m going to turn this way so you can see the directions. We’re gonna do like we’re doing push-ups, hands out. Oh, I’m sorry. There you go, open and close those fingers. If you have little arthritis on those fingers, get a move in and then back like you’re doing a push-up. Come back, Bob. What am I doing? There you go. And then out and the fingertip push or the finger push-ups and back. And we’ll do that five to ten times. I think we’re gonna stop at five times here, but you can do it more when you go back, pull way back, get the elbows as far as you can behind those shoulders, stretch it back. What’s funny is my arm acts she gets a little tired doing this. Well, yeah, it’s a little more work than it looks like, yeah, sure, Bob.

Okay, now we’ll do the trunk rotations. Keep your seat planted in the chair, rotate to your right. You can grab your armrest and give a little stretch, clasp your hands like this if you want. Yep, this is actually not a bad way. It helps give you a little bit of stretch by pushing with one arm and pushing on to the fist of the other arm. And be

nice and relaxed breathing.

We’re gonna do now the repetition can vary. We’re gonna shoot for 10, sometimes 20 on some of these. Go according to your own judgement and how your body’s abilities, yeah, exactly.

Now this next one, I’m going to turn this way so you can see the directions. We’re gonna do like we’re doing push-ups, hands out. Oh, I’m sorry. There you go, open and close those fingers. If you have little arthritis on those fingers, get a move in and then back like you’re doing a push-up. Come back, Bob. What am I doing? There you go. And then out and the fingertip push or the finger push-ups and back. And we’ll do that five to ten times. I think we’re gonna stop at five times here, but you can do it more when you go back, pull way back, get the elbows as far as you can behind those shoulders, stretch it back. What’s funny is my arm acts she gets a little tired doing this. Well, yeah, it’s a little more work than it looks like, yeah, sure, Bob.

Okay, now we’ll do the trunk rotations. Keep your seat planted in the chair, rotate to your right. You can grab your armrest and give a little stretch, clasp your hands like this if you want. Yep, this is actually not a bad way. It helps give you a little bit of stretch by pushing with one arm and pushing on to the fist of the other arm. And be sure to breathe while you do this exercise. Do 10-15 rotations on each side.

Next, we will do leg raises. Sit with your back straight and raise one leg up, hold for a few seconds and then lower it down. Repeat on the other leg. This exercise will help to strengthen your legs and improve balance. Do 10-15 reps on each leg.

We will also do some arm raises. Sit with your back straight and raise both arms up, hold for a few seconds and then lower them down. This exercise will help to strengthen your arms and shoulders. Do 10-15 reps.

In addition to these exercises, it is also important to stay active throughout the day. Take a walk, do some stretching, or any other form of light exercise to keep your body moving. Remember to stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet as well.

If you have any concerns or medical conditions, please consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

And that’s it for today’s video, we hope you found it helpful. Don’t forget to visit our website,, for more information and exercises. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you’ll never miss out on our new videos. Thank you for watching and we’ll see you next time.

The text above was derived (in part or whole) from the video transcript and formatted for your reading enjoyment.
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